Each unit has a dedicated Housekeeping team responsible for cleaning and laundry. Our team of housekeepers work within and to, all CQC, HSE Regulations to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Infection control is of the highest importance in the delivery of service. They provide a valuable and friendly contribution to life on each unit and in particular, they recognise and respect each resident’s room as their “home” and make sure it is clean and safe from infections.

We have a small in  house laundry service for key cleaning of clinical equipment. From 2022 MNCC will be trialling an outsource process for all non-essential laundry services. The approved contractor will work to strict infection control measures, with laundry being collected and returned three times a week, washed, ironed, returned to the resident and put away.

All residents’ laundry needs to be labelled; if you are not able to do this before you come in, we are able to help you. 

If you wish to take laundry home, please make sure the staff are made aware of this.
